The Basement

This is the room where you will find miscellaneous information about the family.

Grave records:

Most of the Halls are buried in Patterson Cemetery, a.k.a. the Hall Cemetery.

You can find the Johnsons in the Hammond Grove Cemetery.

The Montagues on my family tree remains are buried in the Carter Chapel Cemetery.

This coat-of-arms can be purchases as a poster at the Montague Millennium site. Go back to the wine cellar and click on the Montague Millennium link.


For those of you that have visited this site before, you may now notice that some of the information has changed. New information has come to light. The site is accurate to the best of my knowledge at this time.

Leroy Hall Died on January 9, 2004. He was funeralized January 13 at 12:00 noon at Williamson Chapel M.B. Church. He was buried at Patterson Cemetary.



I would like to take this time to thank a man that is very dear to me. When I started my research and was needing someone to interview he was more than glad to tell me what he knew. His name is Calvin Seymore, Sr. He is possibly the oldest living family member to date. He is 101 years old to date. He and his family always made us feel welcome.

He told me that he is a Montague by blood, but his father or grandfather was sold to the Seymore family and their name changed from Montague to Seymore. His wife is also a relative of the Halls.