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Gypsy Blood
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Saturday, 10 December 2005
What I want
Mood:  cool
Topic: About Me
What is it that I want? The answer is simple. Like most men, I want to live forever. I'm not talking about physically living here in this world forever. I know that is impossible except when that time comes and man is changed to become spirit to live with his God. I'm talking about another way of living. I want to live by my name. Just like the names of my grandfathers that lived over 1,101 years ago. My father the Dragon of the Mountain Peak. Drogo was his name. He was a Viking that was born in France on the North shore of Normandy. His last name was de Montacute. Just like I know of him I want my seed to live on and for my name to live on as long as this earth spins. I want them to call me by name. I want them to know the things I did. I want to be seen by them as a man that walked with giants. I want them to see me as a man that never gave up a fight. I want them to know me as one that endured hardships and always came out on top. I want them to know that I believed in the same God that created Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I want them to know that I was a romantic. I was a thinker, and at one time an artist. I want my grandchildren to speak my name from time to time. I want my name to be part of history. What history? I don't know. Maybe the history of the world. Maybe the history of his country, or maybe the history of family. If this world is to go on for another 1,000 years I want my name to be spoken at the end of that 1,000 years.

Posted by princy3guns at 7:23 PM CST

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